I know what it’s like to feel
unworthy, unlovable, irredeemable.

I’ve made a lot of really harmful mistakes and hurt people I cared about.

I punished myself for years because I thought I was the worst human EVER, scum of the earth, evil. I deserved every bad thing karma had to throw at me and it was my obligation to take it. I stayed in a toxic job. I had no boundaries and people-pleased to no end. I said mean things to myself in a near-constant loop. I was consumed by shame, guilt, grief, and anger.

Until I was I was finally sick of living like this and doing this to myself.

A small, small part of me thought I deserved better than this. I’m grateful I listened.

I started to seek help. I read books on self-love and worthiness. I repeated all the affirmations. I went to therapy. I took programs and courses and worked with coaches. I started yoga and went through yoga teacher training. I trained to be a coach in different modalities. I tried energy healings and got certified in Reiki.

Everything helped a little. Each thing made me feel a little better and more like myself. But underneath I still felt unworthy, unloveable, irredeemable. There was still an aching hole, something that still felt broken inside me. 

One late-night search for the next healing thing that would fix everything, I stumbled upon the word “forgiveness” and I had one of those lightbulb moments. 

I found my mentor that night and began working with her the next week. 

I finally (finally!) forgave myself. I stopped punishing myself. I released those feelings that kept me lonely and depressed and disconnected. I finally felt the relief and freedom I was seeking. I found my humanity and connection to divinity. And it’s opened me up to receiving all the joy, magic, and brutiful adventure life has to offer. 

It’s my mission now to guide others on the path of forgiveness.

My Core Values


To me, it means self-awareness, honesty with myself and others, and taking action based on what really matters to me and the energy I want to embody. I trust myself - to make the right decisions for me in the moment and for the future I want to create. AKA Alignment.


I strive to show kindness and understanding to myself and others. I accept the past and am mindful of the present, without judgment. I hold myself accountable when I fall short, but I also give myself grace and patience. I see that we are all simply human, including me.


Independence. Sovereignty. I have the power (and privilege) to make my own choices, to live as I want, and to think and speak for myself. 

I am a white-passing, cisgendered, able-bodied, thin woman. I have the benefit of being very privileged. I continue to learn about my blindspots, biases, and imperfections, and I want to do better. If I have caused harm or you see something I can do better, please call me in. I am committed to holding safe(r) and supportive spaces for the humans in my ecosystem. I am committed to creating a more compassionate, inclusive, accepting world. I believe in love, justice, equality, and that all beings are sacred.

“Forgiveness is for yourself because it frees you. It lets you out of that prison you put yourself in.”

-Louise Hay